Episode 1: Leading Equity Centered Work

In Episode 1, we listen to School Leaders – Heidi Cook (Principal, Baldwin School, Cambridge Public Schools) and Branden Carr (Assistant Principal) as well as Jalene Tamerat (Associate Director, Community-Engaged Teaching & Research, Northeastern University).

Resources shared in this podcast:

  • MAEC Equity Audit
  • Theory and Practice of Multicultural Organization Development. In B. B. Jones & M. Brazzel (Eds.), The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change (pp. 175–192). Wiley.

Episode 2: Leading Equity Centered Work

In Episode 2, we hear from School Leaders – Marco Curnen (Assistant Principal, Escuela Amigos School, Cambridge) and Tamesha Webb (Principal).

Resources shared in this podcast:

  • ⁠Equity by Design by Mirko Chardin⁠, Katie Novak⁠⁠
  • Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman⁠

Episode 3: Good Teaching and Non Evaluative Feedback

In Episode 3, we hear from Cyndi Weekes, Founder and CEO of The Equity Process and Dr. Pipier Smith-Mumford, Senior Lecturer and Field Director at Boston University. We focus on what is good teaching and how do you know what it looks like and how can we give effective feedback and what that looks like.

Resources shared in this podcast:

  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy by Gloria Jean Ladson-Billings

Episode 4: Understanding Adaptive Challenges

In Episode 4, we hear from Juan Mora – Executive Director of the Center for Artistry and Scholarship and Dr Rardy Pena, who is a High school Principal of a Public School in Massachusetts. In this podcast we focus on understanding adaptive challenges – how they differ from technical challenges and how we go about working through them. 

Resources shared in this podcast:

  • The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World by Ronald A. Heifetz
  • Question Formulation Technique

Episode 5: Solving Adaptive Challenges

In Episode 5, we hear from Yamilis Cruz, an Instructional Coach in a Public School District in Massachusetts and Mike Talbot, Principal of an urban school north of Boston in Massachusetts. In this podcast we focus on wellness and specifically wellness for educators – teachers and School Leaders: why is it essential and how can we create spaces that nurture wellness 

Episode 6: Wellness for Educators

In Episode 6, we hear from Chandra Joseph Lacet, teacher and now coach for novice teachers with 25 years of experience in Public Education. 

Episode 7: Wellness in Schools

In Episode 7, we hear from Will Thomas, Principal of an Urban School, and Genevieve Nouveaux, an educator from Boston. In this podcast we continue to focus on wellness in schools – why is it essential and how can we create spaces that nurture wellness

Episode 8: Using Data in the Classroom

In Episode 8, we hear from Kanku who is a high school teacher in Boston, Aketa Narang Kapur, teacher and now coach for novice teachers with 25 years of experience in Public Education, and Laura Londoño who is a middle school Dual Language teacher. In this podcast we understand from teachers how they use data in their classrooms – focusing on using data with an equity centered lens and especially with multilingual learners.

Episode 9: Using Data in Schools

In Episode 9, we hear from Lisa Lineweaver, an elementary school Principal in an urban school district near Boston. In this podcast we focus on how School Leaders can support their school community use data effectively to improve student outcomes.

Resources shared in this podcast:

Episode 10: Using Data in School Districts

In Episode 10, we will hear from Steve Zrike who is a School Superintendent in Massachusetts. In this podcast we focus on how districts can support schools and school leaders in managing and using data effectively.

Resources shared in this podcast:

Episode 11: Cultivating Leadership – Inside and Out

In Episode 11, we have Juan Mora, Executive Director of the Center for Artistry and Scholarship, interviewing Dr Linda Nathan. In this podcast we focus on cultivating leadership and what it looks like to do this on the inside and outside. 

Episode 12: Cultivating Leadership – Identity

In Episode 12, we hear from Priya Natarajan, School Leader from an urban school district. In this podcast we continue to focus on cultivating leadership and we zoom in especially on the intersection of identity and leadership.

Episode 13: Cultivating Leadership – Teams

In Episode 13, we hear from Victor Carballo Anderson, and Obed Morales School Leaders from urban school districts. In this podcast we continue to talk about cultivating leadership as we dig deeper into cultivating leadership in ourselves. 

Episode 14: Closing the School Year Well

In Episode 14, we hear from Heidi Cook, School Leader from Cambridge, and Cicy Po, School Leader from Maine. In this podcast we discuss with Principals how to close the school year well for themselves and for their school community.