The Best Kind of Review

Wow, wow, wow! I just heard from a BAA alum who reviewed my book on the site Feministing. I am at a loss for words…Humbled. Please read this well-written, thoughtful, and honest review of The Hardest Questions Aren’t on the Test. It really made my day-this...

San Francisco Reflection

“Our teachers are like colleagues; they don’t look down on us or put us in a box.” -Dominique Wilson, student ambassador There were so many remarkable moments from this trip that it’s hard to give just the highlights. Best part: The kids! Katie, Charles Michael,...

San Francisco Update

It’s soaking here! Rain like I haven’t seen in years (and thunder and lightening), but it isn’t dampening our spirits! We are making connections, making presentations, eating food, (especially food we haven’t had before), and generally making...

San Francisco, Here I Come!

Well! After a busy holiday season and new year, I am back on the road, heading to San Francisco and the Bay Area. This time, I am traveling with a group of students from mixed majors (all went through an application process), BAA’s  College & Career...

Overwhelmed with Pride!

Well, I told you he could DANCE! The entire Boston Arts Academy community is bursting with pride for our 2007 graduate, Russell Ferguson! We had the most amazing rally at Berklee Performance Center yesterday, to kick off the BAA Winterfest Jazz Concert! Krumpers...