by lindanathan | Feb 11, 2019 | Arts Education, Books, Leadership Development, Teaching and Learning
Last week I had the opportunity to give an author talk at the Massachusetts State House Library. When they asked last Fall if I’d be willing, I didn’t hesitate. Even though I didn’t know anything about this author series, I’m a devoted fan of libraries and librarians....
by lindanathan | Apr 9, 2018 | Books, Center for Artistry and Scholarship, Teaching and Learning
I wrote When Grit Isn’t Enough for lots of reasons. As I got into the writing and research, I began to realize that one of the main reasons I was writing was to help influence the way college financial aid and student success offices do their business and work with...
by lindanathan | Oct 6, 2017 | Books
THE HARDEST QUESTIONS AREN’T ON THE TEST Lessons from an Innovative Urban School A dynamic high school principal on schools that matter, teachers who inspire, and students who achieve The Boston Arts Academy comprises an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse...
by lindanathan | Oct 6, 2017 | Books
A High School Principal Examines How Poverty and Inequality Thwart the College-for-All Promise Examines major myths informing American education and explores how educators can better serve students, increase college retention rates, and develop alternatives to college...
by admin | Sep 22, 2017 | Books, Praise
“Linda Nathan has written a remarkable book. Boston Arts Academy is an urban public high school just across the street from Fenway Park. So I get to see first hand, young people from every neighborhood in the city who greatly benefit from the approaches so clearly...
by admin | Oct 29, 2010 | Books, Professional Development, School Visits
What a whirlwind two-day trip to Milwaukee! I hadn’t been there since 1977, when I studied at UW Madison and forgot how friendly people are in the Midwest. I visited Milwaukee at the invitation of Christina Ratatori, who is a dance teacher in the public schools...