by lindanathan | Apr 26, 2019 | Equity, Leadership Development, Professional Development, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
When I think about Haverhill, I think about shoes, and I saw a lot of monuments and statues of shoes around the city. Yes, in the 20th century, Haverhill was a center of shoe production. Haverhill had a 200-300 year history making shoes from the time in 1646 when a...
by lindanathan | Apr 3, 2019 | Arts Education, Center for Artistry and Scholarship, Creativity, Equity, Leadership Development, Professional Development
Esperanza Spalding’s visit to Conservatory Lab was a magical moment for students as well as the adults who teach them music on a daily basis. She met the second grade orchestra named for her. She talked about the trust and freedom she saw in their eyes — something in...
by lindanathan | Oct 6, 2017 | Books
THE HARDEST QUESTIONS AREN’T ON THE TEST Lessons from an Innovative Urban School A dynamic high school principal on schools that matter, teachers who inspire, and students who achieve The Boston Arts Academy comprises an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse...
by lindanathan | Oct 6, 2017 | Books
A High School Principal Examines How Poverty and Inequality Thwart the College-for-All Promise Examines major myths informing American education and explores how educators can better serve students, increase college retention rates, and develop alternatives to college...