by lindanathan | Feb 27, 2023 | Arts Education, Books, Creativity, Family/School Involvement, Interdisciplinary Learning, Praise, School Visits
Hannah Kehn is the founding principal of Humanities IV in the Rockaways (a part of Queens, NY). The school is now in its 6 year. She is the founding principal. This week her seniors will defend their Capstone Projects before a series of community judges–...
by lindanathan | Feb 22, 2023 | Equity, Family/School Involvement, Interdisciplinary Learning, Leadership Development, Literacy, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
For decades, questions of assessment have polarized educators. Assessment comes from the root word assidere, or, to sit beside. Over the last forty years, assessment in schools has become synonymous with high stakes tests and the results often dictate whether a...
by lindanathan | Feb 7, 2023 | Books, International, Leadership Development, Professional Development, Teaching and Learning
In the mid-1980s, before Pilot schools and Charter schools were mainstream, I opened a middle school for the arts that had more autonomy than traditional district schools. Although we had no special governance status, the fact that we were a bilingual school for the...
by lindanathan | Jan 23, 2023 | Arts Education, Books, Boston Arts Academy, Center for Artistry and Scholarship, Creativity, Equity, Family/School Involvement, Interdisciplinary Learning, International, Leadership Development, Professional Development, Teaching and Learning
I sit in my kitchen in the quiet of the morning and my amaryllis bulb catches my gaze. It is tilting to one side, unable to hold its beautiful blossoms erect. That bending towards the light captures my attention. I realize that I am ready for change. After ten...
by lindanathan | Jan 23, 2023 | Creativity, Equity, Family/School Involvement, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
In Gandhi’s Ashram I read somewhere that India is like marmite: you can’t be indifferent. There’s some truth to that statement. Colors, sights, smells, noise, people, experiences and the sheer vastness of the country all demand a reaction. I have been to...