by lindanathan | Oct 2, 2019 | Arts Education, Equity, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
Eighteen 6th graders work in small groups or pairs scattered around a large rectangular-shaped classroom. Two students are at the front of the room, near the rug, working independently seated in reclining chairs with their feet on the chair and their knees up to their...
by lindanathan | Apr 26, 2019 | Equity, Leadership Development, Professional Development, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
When I think about Haverhill, I think about shoes, and I saw a lot of monuments and statues of shoes around the city. Yes, in the 20th century, Haverhill was a center of shoe production. Haverhill had a 200-300 year history making shoes from the time in 1646 when a...
by lindanathan | Nov 30, 2018 | Arts Education, Creativity, Equity, Interdisciplinary Learning, Leadership Development, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
Recently, I traveled to Detroit to speak at the CS Partners annual conference. While there, I became enraged to learn about legislation related to the third grade reading test in Michigan that was passed two years ago by a Republican state legislature. Next year, this...
by lindanathan | Jan 23, 2018 | Arts Education, Center for Artistry and Scholarship, International, School Visits, Teaching and Learning
In the south of Chile, there’s a small town, Frutillar, named for the abundance of wild strawberries that grew there years ago. The town was originally settled in the 1900s by German cattle and sheep farmers (the Chilean government wanted to increase the population in...
by admin | Mar 3, 2011 | School Visits, Teaching and Learning
I recently traveled to Science Leadership Academy (SLA) in Philadelphia for the EduCon 2.3 conference with Monika Aldarondo, BAA Senior Project Coordinator and Visual Arts Teacher, and two seniors, Duke and Xavier. Both students have been funded for their senior...
by admin | Dec 15, 2010 | School Visits, Teaching and Learning
I was so glad to finally visit the BTU Pilot School where my friends Betsy Drinan and Berta Berriz work. My first thought was that this school needs to give itself a “real” name; one that sings with the energy of the hallways! I kept thinking how much the...